Wednesday, February 2, 2022


                                     UNTOLD STORIES OF THREE ROOMMATES

Hello, my readers!!!!! I hope you all are well with your beautiful days. Again I am back with some different and quite engrossing content that might nourish some of your memories.

According to the title, it's a story of three girls who have small good memories together. The story begins with the childhood days when they were at the same school but they were not knowing each other. One day by coincidence they met each other and one of the girls was fighting with another girl, to have a window seat but the third girl was sitting quietly as she was always instructed by her elders' brother not to fight with others. And they never met again after they had completed their studies, three of them went to college and they never knew that they will meet in the future but they met again in the same hostel after eight years of gap still they don't remember their past meet up. 

 And the story begins like this, one of the girl came to the room for the first time, leaving her family back and going to meet new faces with all these condition she reached her hostel and knock the door but there was no response from opposite side, she continuously knocked for 5 to 10 minutes and she was blank and many question arises in her mind and she started to move back and to talk to the warden about the situation but suddenly she heard like someone is there who is opening the door and hope arises in her mind but then also she was quite scared about their behavior and she didn't talked to them , just put her bags inside in the room and said three words to her roomies that "Don't close the door I'm coming back" from her statement made others two people annoyed and they both didn't talked to her similarly that girl also didn't talking to them because she knew that they were classmates and they might be good friends but actually three of them were afraid to talk to each other and everything was new to them but suddenly a situation arises which made them closer and that was birthday of one among them and they started mingling with each other and days goes on , they started sharing things , they become good friends, always used to go out with each other and one day they started talking about their first meet up at their hostel and shared their photos and then they realized they were school friends how they had a fight all those memories got cherished once again and they felt extremely happy by knowing about it and their friendship continues same way years pass by they got settled at their places but they never forgot to break their bond to meet at once at their favorite place.  

This is called the beautiful life with small happiness which should be there in life apart from that jealous behavior and saying bad words for others.

Be happy with others' success and happiness then ultimately your happiness and success will come in your hand.


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Saturday, December 11, 2021

Expensive Things Are Not Valuable And Valuable Things Are Not Expensive


Hello, my beautiful readers !!!!! Today came with the most engaging content for you. I hope you love the content and don't forget to comment with your valuable words.

I think we all value some of the other things in our life rather it might be a person or some valuable thing you received in your life but we never differentiate it according to our priority what if I say valuable things are not expensive and expensive things are not valuable. If you people agree with this just let me know.??๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—

We all have experienced the worst and happiest situation in our life all is that we have to recover from it and move on as life goes on because life is what makes us experience each and every thing. Similarly in our life, we have some people in that few might take be friends or siblings and of course our parents we valued the most but ARE THEY EXPENSIVE???? NOOO (I think ) but the things we buy are expensive and are not valuable because they can destroy the moment we lose interest in them or stop valuing them. Even the feelings we buy from others whether it's respect or love from others are only for hours so we should stop valuing expensive things.
It's a story of a boy who always believes the things he does in his life are proper and was living life of aristocracy with the things he brought up in his life like expensive car, expensive bike, expensive ornaments and virtual things ,virtual friends were more important to him and valued his parents like  unvaluable .One day he met with an accident , no body was there for him nor his expensive luxury life , nor his virtual  friends only his parents were there whom he valued the least, the day he realized their importance changed his life because in our life whoever comes and we appreciated the most should get less priority than what we should have for our parents as they are our parents, first mentor and most important thing nobody can love you or care for you the way your parents do for you and then that boy understood that expensive things are not valuable but valuable things are also not expensive they are just around you and the thing is to realize the difference between expensive and valuable things.
      Maximum people in their life if someone ask  about valuable things then their answer would be diamond or gold ornaments, luxury life with lots of money are there valuable things which is wrong perspective according to me because the day you realized the importance of each human took birth in this world are more valuable than other all things which are secondary , the day humans start respecting each individual rather finding their faults and criticizing each other is the major loss they  are doing in their life. Actually these expensive things are expensive till the time their value is high on the peak the way gold rate increases and suddenly gets lower it all about the time but the people you are being surrounded are more precious and valuable and the most expensive thing is that they have  unique mindset, with different character, with different way of their smile these all things are most expensive which cannot buy from anywhere only the thing which we can do is enjoy each individuality uniqueness and respect them that makes them feel valuable and that made to feel you like you met something expensive thing in your life.

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Wednesday, September 29, 2021


                              SURNAME TAKES TO SOMEWHERE๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ˜ฎ

Hello, my readers...I hope you all are safe and doing good. Again back with a new content which is quite stimulating and I hope it will be erudite to you. We are all well known for the word surname and we often remember people by their surname rather than their names the way I mentioned in the image like Sharma Ji, Gupta Ji and so on but never we thought about it from where did this surname emanate and some of you might be curious to know about it. The earlier surname was not inherited the way they are today. There were days when there was no use of surname because people wield to live in a small community and they don't travel to any other place but as they started traveling to different places, and same names of many people started meeting each other which made confusion to people and this caused the arrival of surname and which was defined as patronymics(patro means father and nymics means naming) but later every country started using a new form of patronymics because after every generation the surname was changing because of the use of father names as with their names so new version of patronymics in Scotland was (MAC+Name) for son and(MC+Name) for girls. This how surname was originated and now we are using it in many different ways. Surname make us remember many things in our life and if you feel like it comment below with your valuable words. Whenever we listen to the surname of someone whom we had met before it makes us remember the memories we had with them so with that just taking a story of two old aged people who were sitting in the park and was enjoying their evening time suddenly they heard someone calling Sharma Ji which made them remember their old friend who was there classmate long years back they both started sharing their stories which they had spent together. Similarly, we all went through these situations and sometimes it made us remember all the memories we have with them so from here we understood one thing that the word which was made just for differentiating people had become memories with that particular surname so each thing we came across are meant with a beautiful meaning. So with that beautiful word surname I would like to share my beautiful memories with that word. Once I was traveling to my hometown, during that travel I saw one my old friend who was standing few miles away from me so I called her with name but she didn't make a notice then I thought she might had forgotten about me but the time I called her by her surname she looked backed and smiled at me which made me realized the importance of surname. So I hope reading my blog you might have went through some of your memories which cherish your day.


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valuable words & it will be motivation for me....... & don't 

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Monday, August 30, 2021


 Some Obstacles Make Us Reach Dreams

Hello, my readers๐Ÿ™‹‍♀️๐Ÿ™‹‍♀️๐Ÿ™‹‍♀️

Hope you all are safe & staying at home. Today came with new content but with a quite interesting facts about it so let's begin, if you are ready then click on the "follow" button to connect with me in the future with more interesting facts. 

According to the definition of life, it's all about movable situation with some happiness and some sadness but nothing remains stable all changes with time similarly we all have many dreams some might be small-term or long term in that also some achieve their dreams with tons of struggle and sacrifices and you might have listened about their struggle stories but today I am not going to talk about it rather let's have something different from it, those struggles days are the funniest days and memorable days for future because it might be the toughest days during that time but after achieving their dreams at the end of the day those days will be like small obstacles which  later becomes a memory. So let's take story of a boy, he was from middle class family and he used to go to school but was never interested in any subject except one subject that was physics he was so engrossed that he imagined a lot about things related to physics but he didn't met any good mentor who can identify his interest and help him to move in that particular field  but later anyhow he completed his schooling and again due to the pressure of his parents he started doing his graduation but in that also he have least interest so he decided to quit his studies and started doing things which makes him happy so he applied all his efforts he can do from his side but never get tired from what he do so now he understood what is the area of his interest and ultimately all his plans started executing and many years of his struggles he achieved almost all the things which was in his bucket list so one day he started thinking of his struggling days in that he remembered one thing that one day he was in hurry to reach one place and he met a traveler bus which was full of passengers and  driver was enquiring about the route they were travelling and without listening to the driver he thought driver was providing him a lift so he just made a rush to enter in the bus but unfortunately he feel bad for the incident that happened there but now he laugh for that situation which was one of the most embracing moment in his life similarly we all have pass through many difficulties but in future it become a thing of laughter so try to be happy in every burdensome situation even if it is small or big.


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Wednesday, June 23, 2021


Hello, my readers...I hope u all are safe & staying at home. Today came with new content which might be known to all but with quite interesting facts about it.

We all are quite aware of how our life goes with all changes even with our routine, life strategies or contact of people all changes with time to time it's a habitual thing because nothing stays with us all time similar is the case of clouds of people we met in our life will not be same all the time so let's move on to an interesting facts about "ship with two end."

Each thing has its starting point and ending point similarly the word "FRIENDSHIP" also has an endpoint in its spelling itself so it can be said like a ship with a two-end means friendship of two people which can end at any time in the same way when the ship reaches the destination and the traveler has to end the journey let's take a story of the helmsman and its member. 


We all love to travel whether it's by boat or by any other transport & we had a destination in our mind where to go but in one thing we don't know when we reach our destination and had to leave the traveler that's nothing different in the case of friendship we all have friends in our life some might left us or some might be with us & some are there more to meet in our future. So this friendship is like a helmsman story he or she meets many people in their journey some gets close to them because they love their way of welcoming and their service to them but at the end, they have to leave them as their destination might have reached & sometimes they forget how soon they reached their destination as they love the company with them is the same with the friendship when two unknown people met each other they become friends & their friendship goes on but sometimes some situation made them travel in another way from what they were traveling together & some point of time they had to leave each other as they have their different destination. So never get disappointed if you need to leave people in your life & they came into your life to make it more memorable, more cheerful and to make you happy even in a small moment. So never be sad about losing people just think they had come into your life to act some role similarly they had to go in other's life also to act some role to accomplish it but one thing is important in life never say or do one thing  is that never forgets people who came to your life even you have a good or bad experience with them as they all came with a reason in everyone's life so cherish each moment you get to celebrate with them because you don't know when their destination will reach and you have to leave them.


# shipwithatwoend           
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Sunday, May 30, 2021

Life is full of "3 EXP"

                   Life is full of  "3 EXP"

Hello, my readers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope u all are safe & staying at home ........Today came with a new content through which we all pass daily but never try to envision in those things i.e Experience, Experiment & Expectation & these are the words in which our life is tied up.
Life is all about experience, experiment & expectation without these words it might be difficult to say life is complete because day by day our expectation increases which is a good thing as it motivates us to do more work, Experience teaches us how to handle the situation in future & each day we are experimenting new things so these are the words which make our life complete. You might be thinking about what is new in these things as we all knew about it.

                         BUT WAIT!!! ✋ ✋

 we all know everything but we never implement those things in our life that's the problem.
Let's take an example for these "3 EXP "  with small stories...

So moving to "3 EXP" firstly we should understand that each day are we experiencing new thing even through social media or from our daily lifestyle & one of the EXP is the experience so without wasting your precious time let's move on to a story of a boy, he was a very quiet and silent boy among his school teachers & always being appreciated by everyone for his good behavior and even if someone scolds him he just listen to them even if it's not his mistake but day by day passes he was not able to listen from the teacher for other's mistakes one day  one of his friend threw a pen to his another friend but unfortunately it get hit to his teacher & condition came to worst as everyone knows about his behavior so one of his friend blamed him but due to continuous bad experience he shouted very badly in front of the teacher that made a shock to everyone and from there, his whole behavior turned differently and he changed to a talkative boy in the class with an opposite behavior from his previous nature from this we can understand that experience can change a person because of his surrounding atmosphere which compelled him to change his behavior so the more we experience the more we understand about our societies culture so experience more rather than reacting to the things.
 Now if we take the other EXP that's the more dangerous EXP among the three that's the expectation, we all have many expectations in our life even some of you came with some expectation to read this blog similarly we live with oxygen that everyone knows but nowadays in place of that, we live with expectation and always worried about whether be able to satisfy those expectations but never get satisfied from what we are occupied. Let's take the story of the richest person Bill Gates who once went to a  hotel where he gave a tip to the person who served the food with all his care for him but that tip was not up to the expectation he was having from that richest person so he asked the bill gates that you are the richest person in the world & your tip is less than your daughter who gave me a tip few hours before of yours arrival then he made him clear that she is the daughter of the richest man in the world but I am not the son of the richest person so there is the difference between with me and my daughter from these lines that waiter expectation went down and realized that never expect without knowing the things clearly it can be beyond our limit so expect the things within a limit the more we expect the more we steps down.
Now the last "EXP" is the Experiment which is the current situation in everyone's life, we all are experimenting with things even in our life we are experimenting with good and bad deeds it the same way we experiment products in the laboratory with many chemical liquids in which some react when they are mixed  & there result might lead to big exploitation is similar the way happens in life when some experiment went wrong in the life, it's result went to worst condition just take an example of scientist when they are in search of some new product and they mixed both the reactant which they felt suitable for making the product but they don't know what going to happen the very next movement similarly we all are experimenting things in our daily life but don't know what the output will at the end of life so enjoy your life with full enthusiasm and explore new things with experimenting the new chemicals of life.


# lifeisfullof3exp           
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Friday, May 7, 2021



 Hello, my readers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope u all are safe & staying at home ........Today came with a new content which is far-reaching nowadays & many people are facing a lot of problems because of others single mistakes.

As we all are living in digital doorway & active people in social media because during this pandemic time it is the only sources to contact with others but as we all know that for each thing it has its own pros and cons similar to that there  are many things which we consider are simple but they are the most important  things in our life one of thing among them are "comments" & another one is "rumor." You might think how that's possible let's gets into some interesting facts about it.


A comment is a word derived from communication, communication means a way to communicate with others so to make things simpler, communication gets converted into comments, the place where common people can put their views so from their comments was derived & it was derived for making things simpler for common people but instead of that we can see that it's being misused a lot. 

 It's very simple to comment on people as many social media sites are available now like youtube, Instagram, Twitter, and many more but what will the after effect no one think about it. Just take an example when you entered social media and went to some ones profile or to any YouTube channel & without knowing the right thing just put a bad comment on it & as we know that negative things spread faster than a good thing but no one things how much efforts are required by that particular
 person to upload good videos in the social media by taking all precautions of social media guidelines & it hurts a lot to them which no one understand similarly take an example outside social media its natural behaviour of people to comment on other people either on their behaviour or their appearance  or do body shaming but all these things should  be stopped because no one has the right on anyone to comment because all humans are unique & different in their personality, behaviour & their talent no one can copy other and never get jealous of other success by commenting on them from this commenting it proves your behaviour to community not their so try to change your mentality then everything will change automatically so with a story I will end this part it's a real incident happened few years back it's story of four friends  they were sitting in garden for playing games but that day one of the friend said to another friend that you don't play well so from tomorrow you are not allowed to remain in our team  so other two also started finding flaws in him as it natural behaviour of humans as if someone starts commenting on anyone then everyone has to comment on it so listening to all his friends comment he went to his house and said to his mother all that happened there but his mother made him understood the things  but after few days these three friends were going to home suddenly due their behaviour of commenting of others someone came with a quotation to fight with them on that day the boy   whom they comment was only there  for their help and after that day three friends realise about what made others feel when they comment on them because on that particular day others were commenting on them & that made them realise  how others feel when they comment on them so before commenting on others just remember one think that one day will also come when others will comment on you. So moving towards the second  most important thing is"rumor"


 We all knew about this five-letter word rumor it means a tall tale of explanation of events transferring to one person to another and  70% of chances of rumor used to be wrong because it's been tested that when news spread from mouth to mouth after  5-6 mouth half messages were transmitted to another person this is the reason why rumors are wrong often. We all love to listen to rumors because it makes us entertain even it's the wrong thing because due to some rumors many incidents happened which harms others. For example, when we listen to the rumor we never think first whether it's right or wrong even not try to understand the situation what might have occurred there than we just try to spread it as much as possible & this rumor takes single seconds to spread as we all might have seen some news are sent by someone for fun but that post or story will be forwarded from north to south after some time it will be coming like it was wrong information so it's a request to all never believe the rumor surrounds you sometimes it might hurt you even these rumors spreading people takes things for fun but for others, it might harm the other so think once & be aware of the situation while spreading any message. let's end this with a small story there was a woman who was famous for spreading these types of rumors in the colony where she lives. As usual, she was sitting in front of her gate as passing the rumor what she heard from others suddenly a  boy came and said to her someone in your house met with an accident so be quick we have to reach there when she reached there it was not from her family it was someone else as it was a rumor but for a second that day she understood the value of spreading rumor because every day sitting in front of her house and spreading rumor was easy for her but never thought of the impact of that on others so from this story I just wanna say that until and unless we went through some situation we never understand the things so it's better for all to stop sharing rumor of others which will be grateful to all.


# funforsomeoneharmforothers           

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Tuesday, April 20, 2021


                  CARES WHO PRAYERS

Hello, my readers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope u all are safe & staying at home ........Today came with a new content which is far-reaching nowadays.

Today our whole world is fighting against a huge pandemic situation for over a year and it's increasing day by day rather than any decrease in the situation. During these pandemic situations, some sort of good things happens to us like we all have spent time with our family members and many goods moment captures in our life album which was major missing because of this digital societies apart from all that some sort of bad things also happened to many people like many lost their near and dear ones, lost their jobs & many more, so from all these situations we all had understood that we all are temporary in this world just got an opportunity to enjoy the life so rather than wasting time in fighting with others, finding their faults to laugh just pray for all the people surrounds u for their better and healthy future because as per the circumstances going through this world there is no other solution rather than prayers and this pandemic situation proves that the person who cares for you will always pray for your good forthcoming. Always stay connected with your care ones never hate people because at the end of life no hate or no love takes with us so it's better to care for others and pray for others well-being because this crucial time of life just depends on prayers as it can't be measure by anything else even not with someone's money so stay connected to ur near and dear ones  & always spread happiness to others & hate word should be removed from the dictionary of everyone's life......... 

          "Don't lose diamond-like people who care u in search of stones."


                             Stay happy & stay safe


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Sunday, April 4, 2021



Hello, my readers!!!!!!

I hope you all are well.....  After a long break came back with some interesting facts...

We all in our life go through many diplomatic situations which we even can't imagine in the future so similarly there are some metaphors which once destroyed can't be rebuild again & they are emotions, feelings & trust. By reading this u all might think once that emotions and feelings are the same things but not like that ......... let's move on to make figure out those things.............


Emotions are our physical states of a person which once can be expressed according to conditions we are surrounded by & these emotions can not be made artificial, nowadays these emotions are virtually sent to express their emotions to others. Emotions are like what our face expresses to make others annoy in which mood the person is in front of u.

Many of u  might come across with different emotions at the same time like sometimes we cry with happiness and sometimes with sadness. These emotions cannot be rebuilt again once expressed.


  Feelings are the mental state of a person which are once generated might be expressed in front of others or can be kept be hidden it depends on a person like sometimes our surroundings might be peaceful with calm weather but the person might not be able to enjoy that particular moment because that particular person does not feel at that moment but a person very next to him or she will be enjoying those moments as feelings are different from emotion because emotions are automatically expressed in front of others while feelings depend upon the person whether to express it or not. Feelings can be in many forms but the most important is that we should never play with the feelings of others either take them for granted because once destroyed can't be built again to the same degree which once was created. 
 It's   story of an old man he was living in his home & his loving ones left him alone in this world but as we all knew that there will be someone who will care for us no matter from where it comes but at the most difficult moments of life we definitely meet some people who become our  strength to tackle the situation &they are sent by  the God similarly one day a boy came  to this old man home for asking if any servant is required  but that old man said that there is no one in this home so I don't require any servant as I m alone at home so that boy asked the old man  can i live with you & it will be helpful for you grandpa that gradpa call touches his feelings and he agreed him to stay with him  but later one day that boy made old man to  leave his home  because he got someone else in his life who become  important in front of him & that particular person doesn't like the old man but that boy never thought once the person who provide everything to  him he threw out from his life  and after he threw him from his life he cried each day because of his absence  made him regret for all those thing he done with him similarly each one of you reading this  should understand one thing in your life many situation comes but never hurt people who comes in your life because every person comes with a reason so never leave one for others because once its destroyed it can't be rebuilt again  


 Another important word  trust "Trust is a rely", the whole world is running with a single word "trust" nothing will be possible if this word is not used in the way it should be used , it is one of the main parts of everyone's life because in our day to day life  we depend on the trust of others just with a some example we should continue  like each morning we woke up with a trust on ourself that we will have a good day, many youths go to college with a trust  that we get a good education from an institution, Every employed person after his whole day work comes home with a trust that they will get good sleep &  food at home & each woman have trust on the people leaving in the home when she leaves their child to them & every boss have trust on their client no matter how much time he scold his client, from these few examples you might have understood how trust has bounded us from our life  so before making others to loose trust on u just think once we all are bounded in one word  & one or the other day we will face the same thing which we done with others because how we treat with others same way one day we will  be treated so never loose anyone trust which took time to built but never took time to destroy"

Enjoy the life, never hurt others, never lose trust from others .........One life one-time happiness, enjoy as much as u can "

                STAY SAFE  & STAY HAPPY


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Monday, February 8, 2021




Hello, my readers !!!!!!!!!!!

Today I am here with an interesting motif "Be unique with a different attitude".

 We all are busy in our lives with hectic schedules, some are in depression, some are finding them in others & many more

 YES, or No just ping me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We all are humans and it's our nature to comment on others and to look into others life what they are doing from where their sources of incomes come but trust me if that much of time a person has spent in their life it much be far better for them but psychological it can't be changed but there is one thing which can be changed i.e uniqueness, we all have some uniqueness in ourself & thing is we don't initiate ourself to find it out. The day we can find our uniqueness we will never find any type of issues like depression,  looking in other's life, etc. U all might have listened to words like "I want to become like him or her" or if someone starts doing some works of his or her passion & with their effort it gets successful then all the others will do that or will try their maximum to copy them and if they are not able to achieve that thing in their life the very next moment they will declare them as not to able achieve things or useless due to this reasons many suicide cases are increasing day by day. Actually, nowadays people are running to the place where others find success not even bother about whether it is meant for them or not.

Always follow a single rule in life never copy others be unique with a different attitude, always get inspired by others but never try to become like them. 

In everyone's life, there might be a common wish i.e to have fame in society for that particular thing one quality is required to be unique in yourself then others will inspire u  because we all came in this beautiful world then we all have some uniqueness so try to find that and be happy in life. One more thing that is important is an attitude but it should not be a rude attitude but an attitude with politeness which we expect from others in same we should behave with them because they are also humans with the same feelings but these things we never think about but we expect from others do that but should have less expectance from others then we will enjoy our life rather looking on others life. If all these small mistakes are improved in life then there will be less complaint about each other and will have a unique character with a different attitude.

             STAY SAFE & STAY HAPPY 


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Wednesday, February 3, 2021



   From the topic, some of u might have understood the meaning of my title but that's not the thing which u are thinking!!!!๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š

Coming towards the topic I'm not alone it has a different meaning for each one of u reading this because u all have a different mindset with beautiful aspects but in one thing we all are the same i.e running in the same direction i.e to reach our dreams but why??? when we all are having different mindset we should have different taught but all are running for one thing that is to achieve dreams rather than bothering about more important thing in life i.e happiness. Even if I'm saying these words only 1%- 2% will understand my words because due to our surroundings and culture we are always taught three things we should achieve the very first thing is to get an education, to get a job and make money as much as possible but never taught how to make others happy or how happiness can be achieved in life even I know many people who even did not know which is the month going on or which is the next day because they are busy in making money not even bother about what is happening in their surrounding or for what reason they are making money because they are running like an ATM machine whenever money is required it will be available but happiness can't be received.

Now I will share a story of a family in which all the members were well settled in their life and never bother about others but one day they needed help from neighbors but they hesitated to ask for help from others because they never stand for others as they were busy in making money that they learned a lesson Money is not all the things other than that there are many things which are more important than that so never run your life like an ATM other than that enjoy each moment so try to have incomplete dreams then only there is mean to live life to chase it.

                      STAY HAPPY & STAY SAFE


Sunday, January 24, 2021




Hello, my readers...................

In everyone's life, there is a presence of well-wishers in the time of our need actually they are sent by God and they are special. Sometimes we might be in a very pathetic situation and we used to say these lines "now god only can help us" and anyhow we will get its solution either someone comes to helps us in form of well-wishers or some solution are kept in front of us. Actually, from word (well-wisher) it's clear that they are the person who prays for our well being and we should always have a respect for them and when we get those beautiful people in the life majority of our problems are resolved so we should be careful in placing people in right place in our life.

 It's a story of a man  he always used to complain to God that he is only person whom God never listen to his problems  and he never believe in God or about miracle happens in life when people says to him  about God he never listen to them so days were passing as usual no changes in his life  always with some problems and one day he was going to attend one of the famous fair festival in his village and he was thrilled to  attend those fair  and it's like a big  festival (utstav) and  he went there during evening time and the place was well  decorated  and each people face was filled with joy  but suddenly one old lady passed through  many people saying  few lines like" go to your home  it's already very late" and same old lady suggested him also to go home but some people doesn't took it seriously and soon after that lady went  one incident happened  that fair area met with fire and many people got injured suddenly he remembered that old lady words from that day he got a lesson that there is a God and there are well-wishers whom we need to identify very carefully so remember one thing in your life never ignore people  because well wishers never come in front of u they will solve all your problems  from behind or in any other way so again remembering u all well -wishers are special give importance to them and achieve important things in your life.

If u like it comment down and enjoy your life......... 

                   STAY SAFE AND HAPPY


Sunday, January 10, 2021


             Life is like a book of life lessons

Each one of u reading this should have experienced many situations and have learned many lessons similarly life is like a book with some life stories which are published in the book and some not but each human who took birth in this world has a story in a book because each day we start with a new page, experience new things and gain new knowledge and when a book starts it has interesting pages to make readers curious about further stories similarly our life is also a book which has some interesting memories of childhoods days which never comes back but whenever we look back in our life those memories are most nourishing times and then books contain some twist stories similarly in our life some different stages of life comes with difficulties from which we all learn some lesson because in our life every age of people are learning no one has learned everything till the date of death we all are learning new things with some lesson and one day all these pages has end pages that day is similar to our life end day.

  Now will share a story with u all. It's a story of a writer & he used to write a biography of many people and storybooks, his whole life he spent for writing books and didn't experience anything in his life and at his old age when he was going to close his storybook of life he did not even have a single page of interesting stories with any lesson because his full book of life pages only has one thing written "I'm a writer and spend the whole life in writing"  and he regrets at the last stage of life where he can't do anything more & no other lessons were mentioned in his book so each one who took birth in this beautiful world should need to experience everything because at the end of life each page of books of our life should have some memories with learned lesson then only there is a sense of making our storybook so experience new things each new day & make mistakes to learn a lesson so that last day of our life we should have somethings to remember. Enjoy your life with extra positive energy if u make mistakes accept them and try to learn a lesson as soon as possible because everyone makes a mistake no one is pure so accept it and move on to make an interesting story of your life.

                 STAY HAPPY AND SAFE


Saturday, January 2, 2021


               Reading heal to forgive others

We all in our life passes through many situations and we start hating people even for small things especially when somebody complains about us, it's human nature because we all only love to hear our positive things but if u are reader u will think in a different way even someones says bad things about us it has a different impact on us. There is a book named Three Cup of Tea in which it has beautiful lines like the first time a cup of tea is like for a stranger, the second time a cup of tea is like for a guest & third time a cup of tea is for family members so in our life also when people complains about us we should take it in a positive way like they want us to see us in a better position than now so always try to take things positively and these all different way of thinking only comes from reading which makes us different from others. We all are humans and have come from one origin and only some differences are there so rather than fighting with others or hating others just try to forgive others because hating others will never make a loss for others it will only loss for us. Reading has many benefits like it will help us to know more about the outer world which has more meaning than the world surrounding us and in this beautiful life we can't make everyone happy there will be some haters but always try your level best to make others happy because there is only one life to make friends, to make haters, to forgive others & to enjoy your life so that before the end of our life there should be interesting pages of a book full of mesmerizing thoughts and feelings.

             STAY SAFE & STAY HAPPY


Monday, December 14, 2020


Always have a hope to achieve success.

 We all in our life like to remain in our comfort zone & live a peaceful life because no one likes to put any effort into doing work rather than finding an easier way to achieve things.  It's the story of a child who is enjoying her childhood days the same way we enjoyed and had beautiful memories with us & child name is pihu who is living abroad with her family and during her vacation time she came to hometown to meet her grandparents. She always likes to explore new things so she has good company with her grandmother who likes to travel alone so whenever her grandmother goes outside she is always ready to go with her similarly one day her grandmother made a visit to her relative place and pihu also went with her grandmother where she finds many pet animals and all the pets were inside their particular house but one thing she noticed that there was a pet labrador dog which was quite big in size from all other pet animals & was tied with a small rope which it can remove easily and can harm peoples but it only barks by seeing others not even try to break the rope so she asked her grandmother why it is so???

Can u people make a guess!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then her grandmother told her that the labrador* dog was there from a young age and was always tied with that particular rope so even after years also it can not break it similar is with humans because only a few people cross their comfort zone and achieve success in their life. Still, there are some people once if they are not able to achieve something who do not even try it again & cross their limits same as that dog who was not able to break the rope. We should not lose hope in our life because our life decision should not be taken by others but they should be ours because once our hope is destroyed we can't achieve anything so always have hope in yourself. 

             STAY SAFE & STAY HAPPY




Sunday, November 29, 2020




We all in our childhoods days heard from our surroundings and from forefathers about ghost stories  & also in many movies we have seen closed doors having lots of myth stories these all things are heard mainly in rural areas. Some people believe in stories and some not but we are excited to know about those stories........ Isn't it  !!!!!!!!!!!

Actually, these stories have a big relation with everyone's life because each thing we experience has some relation in one's life similarly some doors are meant to be closed in one's life. After all, those doors have many negative vibes which in a single blow can damage one's life so we should be careful while opening each door of our life even if it's at the helm of choice of person or beginning of a new journey of life because one's we open even a small portion of the door which carries negative vibes it's very difficult to close it back again because negative things do not require time to enter one's life but these are not a myth told by our forefathers actually some doors are meant to be like that...

 Many of the readers might have experienced in their life whenever in our home guest, stranger or our family members arrives & knocks at the door we become alert or suspicious about who might be outside & a question mark arises in our mind whether to open a door or not when we are alone at home. If it's our family members or a known person we welcome them with a happy face but if they are unknown or the guest we don't like we do not welcome the way we welcome others or we do not like their company or we can not spend more time with them & sometimes we might think why we open the door in this time I might have done many others things because we always like to spend our precious time with the people we love to spend similarly in our life we are the one to take decisions in our life (like doors used here as personification towards life)  so we should always try to open such doors consisting positive vibes and negative doors are meant to be closed Similarly in life never allow people with negative vibes because such people drains or degrade the quality of one's life and never open such door until and unless you are happy with them.

                   STAY  SAFE  &STAY  HAPPY

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