Sunday, January 24, 2021




Hello, my readers...................

In everyone's life, there is a presence of well-wishers in the time of our need actually they are sent by God and they are special. Sometimes we might be in a very pathetic situation and we used to say these lines "now god only can help us" and anyhow we will get its solution either someone comes to helps us in form of well-wishers or some solution are kept in front of us. Actually, from word (well-wisher) it's clear that they are the person who prays for our well being and we should always have a respect for them and when we get those beautiful people in the life majority of our problems are resolved so we should be careful in placing people in right place in our life.

 It's a story of a man  he always used to complain to God that he is only person whom God never listen to his problems  and he never believe in God or about miracle happens in life when people says to him  about God he never listen to them so days were passing as usual no changes in his life  always with some problems and one day he was going to attend one of the famous fair festival in his village and he was thrilled to  attend those fair  and it's like a big  festival (utstav) and  he went there during evening time and the place was well  decorated  and each people face was filled with joy  but suddenly one old lady passed through  many people saying  few lines like" go to your home  it's already very late" and same old lady suggested him also to go home but some people doesn't took it seriously and soon after that lady went  one incident happened  that fair area met with fire and many people got injured suddenly he remembered that old lady words from that day he got a lesson that there is a God and there are well-wishers whom we need to identify very carefully so remember one thing in your life never ignore people  because well wishers never come in front of u they will solve all your problems  from behind or in any other way so again remembering u all well -wishers are special give importance to them and achieve important things in your life.

If u like it comment down and enjoy your life......... 

                   STAY SAFE AND HAPPY


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