Saturday, December 11, 2021

Expensive Things Are Not Valuable And Valuable Things Are Not Expensive


Hello, my beautiful readers !!!!! Today came with the most engaging content for you. I hope you love the content and don't forget to comment with your valuable words.

I think we all value some of the other things in our life rather it might be a person or some valuable thing you received in your life but we never differentiate it according to our priority what if I say valuable things are not expensive and expensive things are not valuable. If you people agree with this just let me know.??🤗🤗🤗

We all have experienced the worst and happiest situation in our life all is that we have to recover from it and move on as life goes on because life is what makes us experience each and every thing. Similarly in our life, we have some people in that few might take be friends or siblings and of course our parents we valued the most but ARE THEY EXPENSIVE???? NOOO (I think ) but the things we buy are expensive and are not valuable because they can destroy the moment we lose interest in them or stop valuing them. Even the feelings we buy from others whether it's respect or love from others are only for hours so we should stop valuing expensive things.
It's a story of a boy who always believes the things he does in his life are proper and was living life of aristocracy with the things he brought up in his life like expensive car, expensive bike, expensive ornaments and virtual things ,virtual friends were more important to him and valued his parents like  unvaluable .One day he met with an accident , no body was there for him nor his expensive luxury life , nor his virtual  friends only his parents were there whom he valued the least, the day he realized their importance changed his life because in our life whoever comes and we appreciated the most should get less priority than what we should have for our parents as they are our parents, first mentor and most important thing nobody can love you or care for you the way your parents do for you and then that boy understood that expensive things are not valuable but valuable things are also not expensive they are just around you and the thing is to realize the difference between expensive and valuable things.
      Maximum people in their life if someone ask  about valuable things then their answer would be diamond or gold ornaments, luxury life with lots of money are there valuable things which is wrong perspective according to me because the day you realized the importance of each human took birth in this world are more valuable than other all things which are secondary , the day humans start respecting each individual rather finding their faults and criticizing each other is the major loss they  are doing in their life. Actually these expensive things are expensive till the time their value is high on the peak the way gold rate increases and suddenly gets lower it all about the time but the people you are being surrounded are more precious and valuable and the most expensive thing is that they have  unique mindset, with different character, with different way of their smile these all things are most expensive which cannot buy from anywhere only the thing which we can do is enjoy each individuality uniqueness and respect them that makes them feel valuable and that made to feel you like you met something expensive thing in your life.

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