Sunday, January 10, 2021


             Life is like a book of life lessons

Each one of u reading this should have experienced many situations and have learned many lessons similarly life is like a book with some life stories which are published in the book and some not but each human who took birth in this world has a story in a book because each day we start with a new page, experience new things and gain new knowledge and when a book starts it has interesting pages to make readers curious about further stories similarly our life is also a book which has some interesting memories of childhoods days which never comes back but whenever we look back in our life those memories are most nourishing times and then books contain some twist stories similarly in our life some different stages of life comes with difficulties from which we all learn some lesson because in our life every age of people are learning no one has learned everything till the date of death we all are learning new things with some lesson and one day all these pages has end pages that day is similar to our life end day.

  Now will share a story with u all. It's a story of a writer & he used to write a biography of many people and storybooks, his whole life he spent for writing books and didn't experience anything in his life and at his old age when he was going to close his storybook of life he did not even have a single page of interesting stories with any lesson because his full book of life pages only has one thing written "I'm a writer and spend the whole life in writing"  and he regrets at the last stage of life where he can't do anything more & no other lessons were mentioned in his book so each one who took birth in this beautiful world should need to experience everything because at the end of life each page of books of our life should have some memories with learned lesson then only there is a sense of making our storybook so experience new things each new day & make mistakes to learn a lesson so that last day of our life we should have somethings to remember. Enjoy your life with extra positive energy if u make mistakes accept them and try to learn a lesson as soon as possible because everyone makes a mistake no one is pure so accept it and move on to make an interesting story of your life.

                 STAY HAPPY AND SAFE


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