Sunday, May 30, 2021

Life is full of "3 EXP"

                   Life is full of  "3 EXP"

Hello, my readers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope u all are safe & staying at home ........Today came with a new content through which we all pass daily but never try to envision in those things i.e Experience, Experiment & Expectation & these are the words in which our life is tied up.
Life is all about experience, experiment & expectation without these words it might be difficult to say life is complete because day by day our expectation increases which is a good thing as it motivates us to do more work, Experience teaches us how to handle the situation in future & each day we are experimenting new things so these are the words which make our life complete. You might be thinking about what is new in these things as we all knew about it.

                         BUT WAIT!!! ✋ ✋

 we all know everything but we never implement those things in our life that's the problem.
Let's take an example for these "3 EXP "  with small stories...

So moving to "3 EXP" firstly we should understand that each day are we experiencing new thing even through social media or from our daily lifestyle & one of the EXP is the experience so without wasting your precious time let's move on to a story of a boy, he was a very quiet and silent boy among his school teachers & always being appreciated by everyone for his good behavior and even if someone scolds him he just listen to them even if it's not his mistake but day by day passes he was not able to listen from the teacher for other's mistakes one day  one of his friend threw a pen to his another friend but unfortunately it get hit to his teacher & condition came to worst as everyone knows about his behavior so one of his friend blamed him but due to continuous bad experience he shouted very badly in front of the teacher that made a shock to everyone and from there, his whole behavior turned differently and he changed to a talkative boy in the class with an opposite behavior from his previous nature from this we can understand that experience can change a person because of his surrounding atmosphere which compelled him to change his behavior so the more we experience the more we understand about our societies culture so experience more rather than reacting to the things.
 Now if we take the other EXP that's the more dangerous EXP among the three that's the expectation, we all have many expectations in our life even some of you came with some expectation to read this blog similarly we live with oxygen that everyone knows but nowadays in place of that, we live with expectation and always worried about whether be able to satisfy those expectations but never get satisfied from what we are occupied. Let's take the story of the richest person Bill Gates who once went to a  hotel where he gave a tip to the person who served the food with all his care for him but that tip was not up to the expectation he was having from that richest person so he asked the bill gates that you are the richest person in the world & your tip is less than your daughter who gave me a tip few hours before of yours arrival then he made him clear that she is the daughter of the richest man in the world but I am not the son of the richest person so there is the difference between with me and my daughter from these lines that waiter expectation went down and realized that never expect without knowing the things clearly it can be beyond our limit so expect the things within a limit the more we expect the more we steps down.
Now the last "EXP" is the Experiment which is the current situation in everyone's life, we all are experimenting with things even in our life we are experimenting with good and bad deeds it the same way we experiment products in the laboratory with many chemical liquids in which some react when they are mixed  & there result might lead to big exploitation is similar the way happens in life when some experiment went wrong in the life, it's result went to worst condition just take an example of scientist when they are in search of some new product and they mixed both the reactant which they felt suitable for making the product but they don't know what going to happen the very next movement similarly we all are experimenting things in our daily life but don't know what the output will at the end of life so enjoy your life with full enthusiasm and explore new things with experimenting the new chemicals of life.


# lifeisfullof3exp           
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